As Social Passionpreneurs we are seeking to improve the state of the world. YOU and US are helping with each sale to give people from the slums a new life, new perspective, opportunities and jobs. The organisations are always selected by our artists.
Smiling Gecko pursues a holistic approach with its cluster project that leads to a sustainable improvement of living conditions in a society. Already at the start in 2014, the vision was to expand Smiling Gecko as a holistic cluster project. Since then, many jobs and apprenticeships have been created in the areas of agriculture, tourism, crafts and schools. Many more projects will follow in the areas of industry and crafts by 2025. There are interfaces everywhere due to the economic orientation of the cluster projects. The individual projects should be self-supporting and, after a start-up period, finance the school and thus also the education of the children. This will create an exemplary model of a functioning rural community that provides people with education, decent work and sustainable incomes. Initiated by Hannes Schmid.
Borneo Orangutan Survival Switzerland association purpose is the protection of species, animals, nature and the environment in Indonesia and Malaysia, in particular the promotion of the protection and conservation of orangutans and their habitats, the tropical rainforest in Borneo.