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Spirited Away Alo - Triptych Set Carver 840

  • Alex started painting Native Americans at a very early age. This artwork focuses on the Indio, enclosed by a mystical crop circle - a symbol of sacred geometry. Indigenous peoples are characterized by reverent, respectful and humble earthlings who feel a deep connection with nature. They have understood themselves as part of the great whole and thus developed a deeper sense of life. With this picture, Alex wants to bring the message of this indigenous people back into our consciousness and give the minority a voice. He is convinced that they are on the "right" way and that they only use resources that they really need. We can learn a lot from them and thanks to sacred geometry, practice the interconnectedness of nature.

    Artist Alex Hohl
    Edition Unicat, Single Edition
    Print Thermo sublimation print
    Signature Hand-signed
    Date 2022
    Setup triptych set of 3 carver longboards
    Size each 840 x 254 x 11 mm
    Material Bambus core with flex fibrelayers
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